Celebrating Staff of 10+ Years
On an evening after work at a local spot, POIC + RAHS staff with 10 years or more of service celebrated their work anniversaries by sharing memories and answering the question, "Why do you stay?" The group rang out with answers of 'deep love for the mission,' 'the opportunity for growth,' 'empowerment in passions and purpose,' and 'because of those we serve.' The important work done by this group has a direct and significant impact on our students, families, and participants. They took this moment to pause and reflect and, most of all, celebrate all of the years of service to the community.
Thank you for over 10 years of rewriting life stories.
Joe McFerrin II
27 years
Leigh Rappaport
Natural Resource Pathways Manager
21 years
Kimberly Filla
Chief Family +
Wellness Officer
19 years
Dior Williams
Program Support
19 years
Andrew “Iz” Moore
Language Arts
17 years
Tanesha Cherry
Street Level
Outreach Worker
15 years
Camille Konneker
15 years
Julia Mitchell
Chief Operating
12 years
Alemnesh Terefe
12 years
Barbara Loomis
School Compliance Administrator
11 years
Michael Mangum
Street Level
Outreach Worker
11 years
Elmer Yarborough
CHI Elevate Program Manager
20 years
Melinda Warren
Family Care
11 years
Staff Stories
Barbara Loomis, 11 years
"I truly believe in the mission. I love doing advocacy work, and I believe I'm good at it. I am mission motivated. I like being challenged and having meaning in my work.
“A highlight for me is graduation. Seeing the kids walk across the stage is incredible. It never gets old to see them and their parents and families excited. The smaller graduations we've had the past few years have been special, too. The kids had to endure so much to get to that point. It was a challenge and took a village of support to get them to graduation.”
Leigh Rappaport, 21 years
“I have an Administration that trusts me to do what I feel is positive for our population. I'm given a level of freedom and trust to create and expand what we do in Natural Resources. It allows me to keep things new and fresh.
“One of the coolest things is seeing where some of the kids are now. I was watching TV the other day about what it's like to work at the post office, and the supervisor they were interviewing at the Lents Post Office was one of our Graduates. Seeing our kids succeed, bumping into them in the neighborhood, or having them call you and say, 'Hey, I just got a new job' is amazing.”
Julia Mitchell, 12 years
"New challenges always present themselves at POIC. There is always something new and different to do every single day. I’ve never been bored. I have been extended the opportunity to lead at every level; my input and skills are valued and welcome. This is where I feel fulfilled.