Frequently Asked Questions
+ What is the Rosemary Anderson Prep Program?
A. The RA Prep program is an educational option for students seeking college prep, entrepreneurial training, or advanced level sports training (Women’s Volleyball and Men’s Basketball). All students engage in one of the following tiered Academic Plans: Leadership, Moderate, or Steady.
+ What is the vision and mission of RA Prep?
A. Our vision is that we are preparing future leaders and our mission is to create a customized plan of action with supports to execute educational and career goals. All current and future RAHS students will be schedule in one of our 3 tiered Academic Plans.
+ What supports do RA Prep students receive?
A. All Prep program students will have the support of an Academic Advisor (AA) and an Academic Coach (AC). The Academic Advisor will serve as the counselor who is most responsible for transcript updates, class scheduling, and graduation requirements. The Academic Coach will serve as the person most responsible in assisting the student in executing their academic plan. The Academic Coach will provide support and connections to all Post secondary searches, college applications, financial aid documents, scholarship applications, internships, etc… The AC will meet weekly with students and quarterly with parents to keep them updated about academic progress. Prep students receive these additional supports on top of the normal RAHS school support systems allotted to all students.
+ Will students at RA Prep attend school virtually, in person, or in a hybrid model?
A. All students will attend in person classes at our RAHS North Campus. Students attending the RA Prep Program will have a customized schedule based off academic needs and future goals. All students will have weekly face to face meetings with their AA and AC. Class scheduling will depend on which academic track the student engages in. While their will be opportunities for some RA Prep students to be in a hybrid model (some online, some in person) all RAHS students will come to our campus daily/weekly.
+ What makes a student a good fit for RA Prep?
A. The RA Prep program is looking for students that are self-motivated, seeking an academic challenge, want to prepare themselves for post-secondary education or a career field. Our program is also looking for students that have an interest in entrepreneurship and ideas for building their own business in the future.
+ Will RA Prep offer students AP, Honors, or college-level courses?
A. Yes. Students who are looking for advanced placement courses or college level courses would be considered our Tier 1 Leadership students. This accelerated curriculum group would access AP or college level courses through an online accredited program called Acellus or take live courses at Portland Community College.
+ Can RA Prep support a student that has an academic IEP?
A. Yes. Student IEP’s will be reviewed by a district special education teacher who will determine what accommodations are transferrable to our school setting. Every RAHS student with an IEP receives support and weekly check ins with the district SPED teacher.
+ How can a student get into RA Prep?
A. The first step is to become a Rosemary Anderson student. CLICK HERE to enroll today.
+ What is the enrollment process for RA Prep?
A. All students/families seeking enrollment in the Rosemary Anderson Prep program will start with a transcript review. Next, students and families would interview with the RA Prep Principal and Academic Advisor to discuss goals and supports needed to reach those goals. A customized course schedule would be created by the AA with both the student and guardians signing off on the educational plan. In many cases, students will take course subject assessments before beginning their classes to ensure the accuracy of grade level content.
+ Will RA Prep students have access to technology?
A. Yes. All RA Prep and RAHS students will have access to laptops and PC computers in our Learning Centers and for check out as needed.
+ How does RA Prep bring “rigor” to alternative education?
A. Rosemary Anderson Schools has committed to a 2-year professional development plan for teachers and administrators to support best practices as an exemplary school system. We are also implementing new curriculum and teaching standards to raise the “rigor” for all RAHS students.
+ How much does it cost to attend RA Prep?