Update: A Special Request from CEO Joe

Dear Friends of POIC + RAHS,

I wrote earlier this month to ask for your help, and I am sending a quick reminder to please consider supporting POIC + RAHS with a gift. We are a little over halfway to our fundraising goal and we need your help to reach $12,000 by November 13. (You can read the original full letter here.)

Donate today to help in this critical time.

From explosive gun violence to unprecedented unemployment to navigating in-school learning during an unrelenting pandemic – the students and families we serve are facing unimaginable barriers.

Since I last wrote, our community has been impacted by dozens of additional shootings (19 last weekend alone) including one impacting a student of ours. The need is great and growing.

Because of this, our team is directing all of its energy to these urgent needs through our career training, innovative violence reduction strategies, and culturally specific education services - and we have made the difficult decision to forego our gala this year. Although historically our annual gala is one of our most significant sources of financial support for this work, the time investment of a gala is time our community desperately needs right now.

Thank you for your generosity as we join together to heal our community.

All my best,  

Joe McFerrin II, President, and CEO 


Celebrating Ten Years of CHI


A Message from CEO Joe