Families Hand in Hand
The parent-led and expert-supported 2021 Parent Summit brought 20 presenters to share information and dialogues on important topics to over 130 families.
Commissioner Stegmann kicked off the event by sharing words of hope and understanding of the struggles of our community, stating, “racism is a public health crisis.” Open dialogues with Sheriff Mike Reese and District Attorney Mike Schmidt provided parents an opportunity to ask real questions about the violence in the community, how do we manage all the gun violence, what can we as community members do to better shield and protect undocumented families and individuals from federal authorities for fear of deportation or jail?
See Multnomah County’s recap of the event here.
Our talented presenters shared expertise with families on the IEP, mental health, school resources, immigration, trafficking, domestic violence, and resume services in English and Spanish. Thank you, IRCO, for providing Spanish interpretation services.
As part of Multnomah County’s community-led effort to violence prevention, the Parent Partnership team aims to increase parent voice by empowering parent involvement in juvenile justice and the community through increased connections.
Parent Partnership Committee
Diana Trejo, CHI Parent Advocate, Latino Network
Alejandra Galindo, CHI Program Manager, Latino Network
Ximena Ospina-Todd, Youth Empowerment, and Violence Prevention Division Director, Latino Network
Annette Majekodumi, Parent & Community Engagement Supervisor, POIC + RAHS
Shala Mosley, Parent Advocate, POIC + RAHS
David Allen, Family Care Manager, POIC + RAHS
Babak Zolfaghari –Azar, Family Care Manager POIC + RAHS
Jackie Whitt, Parent Mentor, POIC + RAHS
Stacey Davis, MSW Intern, POIC + RAHS
Jessica Sim, Youth Development Coach, POIC + RAHS
Kim Filla, Director Family Outreach & Community Programs, POIC + RAHS
Keri Wilborn, Parent Involvement Advocate, Native American Youth Association (NAYA)
Lily Yamamoto, Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCCC)
Andrew Haley, Youth Programs Supervisor, Immigrant Refugee Community Organization IRCO
Kim Harvey- Trigoso, Program Development, and Systems Manager, (NWFS) Northwest Family Services
Tech Support
Aron Klein, Program Manager, Partnership for Safety and Justice
Christina Youssi, Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCCC)
Ruth E Erickson, Carmen R Duran Ramirez, Manuel Osuna, Martha Ortega Jimenez
Thank you, Multnomah County Department of Community Justice, for supporting our Event.
Click on the underlined presenter to see the presentation materials.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
Learn about the Individualized Action Plan (IEP) your child may be on. Learn how to advocate for your child’s educational goals.
Presenter: Cori Mielke, FACT Oregon
Designed to discuss Covid and Covid vaccines and other medical-related concerns.
Presenter: Daniela Bustos, Latino Network
Mental health/addiction - National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Ending the Silence Presentation: 1hr presentation for adults with middle or high school-aged youth includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child, and how to work with school staff.
Presenter: Erin Quinton, Volunteer Presenter
Presenters: Natalia Bermejo-Gonzalez & Nuvia Chavez-Tellez, Marysol Jimenez, Alcohol and Drug Counselor (Spanish)
Policing - Sheriff Mike Reese
A candid conversation with Sheriff Mike Reese. How can families build a partnership with law enforcement?
Presenter: Mike Reese + Babak Zolfaghari-Azar
Trice Occupational
Resume Building-Update your resume and or build your resume with Kenyatta Trice. An expert in helping you land the job you want.
Presenter: Kenyatta Trice
Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt
Frank conversation with District Attorney Mike Schmidt. Community concerns from impacted families and Building a partnership.
Presenters: DA Mike Schmidt + Staff Babak Zolfaghari-Azar
Black Mental Health Oregon - Ubuntu Healing Circle
A tumultuous year requires a healing response. Ubuntu creates a space for healing.
Presenter: Taunya Golden
Discussion on DACA and Immigration status.
Presenter: Leland Baxter-Neal
Women and Girl Safety
Trafficking and domestic violence are discussed for this private, frank discussion. If you are concerned about a family member, this is a session for you.
Presenter: Keri Wilborn, Parent Involvement Advocate for NAYA Family Center
Gresham Barlow School District and Centennial School District Family Resources
Learn resources for your family to ensure your child has access to needed resources.
Presenters: Carla Gay, (she/her) Gresham-Barlow School District; Denise Wright, Director of Student Services (she/her/hers) Centennial School District
Portland Public Schools District Family Resources
Learn resources for your family to ensure your child has access to needed resources.
Presenters: Rhiannon Martin, Family Services Manager, PPS Head Start